Starting Solids

We officially started them on solids yesterday. We are going to do Baby Led Weaning and follow the updated Canadian Pediatric guidelines mixed w a little from the American ones (even though I'm not Canadian. Although my Hubby is actually a dual citizen, as he grew up close to the Canadian border, but I digress. It's more for the scientific research behind it...more on that later...).

We are doing avocado first. We did try it once a few months ago but then thought it would be better to wait until they were 6 months (adjusted age) to ensure their tummies could handle eating solids. Since their 8 month B-day is in a few days and they have been showing signs of being ready, we decided today was the day to start.

It was a riot! 

Riley was very serious about her food...
If she tries hard enough, maybe she'll get her ENTIRE fist in there...


Like most things, Riv needed a little more coaxing before digging in...

While his sister wasn't interested in using a spoon, 
River was really into it! 

But he missed his mouth a bit...

Then Riley wanted her brother's spoon, not her own in front of her, just his! LOL

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